Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Bad Rat and Fat Cat by Jacob

Once upon a time there lived a bad rat. He lived in an apple tree. One day the bad rat went to the house by the apple tree to get some cheese. The bad rat saw a door open and ran inside. When the bad rat got inside he stopped because he saw a big fat cat hiding behind a door. The fat cat started to chase the bad rat. The bad rat ran away back out the door and the fat cat ran after him all the way to the apple tree. The fat cat tried to climb the apple tree but then the fat cat got stuck and went back to the house to have a rest.
The End

Origami Rose by Wai

This is the video of the rose that transforms into a cube. I found it by looking through the origami clips on Youtube.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Today we learned Maori words for different body parts. We drew faces in the sandpit and made sure that we included whatu, ihu, waho and taringa. Jacob drew monsters on the concrete. His monsters have ihu nui (big noses)!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our School Gala

We had our school Gala on Saturday. Ms Leishman, Maggie and Troy were in charge of Singstar in the hall. Lots of children had fun dressing up and singing.

Where the Wild Things Are!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wild Things! by Jordan

The first time we went on stage it was a bit scary but then the second time it was ok. We had to practice about five times a week. It was tiring but it was fun. Practice was the best. When we made the masks it was hard. We had to make the masks with papier mache. Ms Leishman said put on about 12 layers.
Jordan and Jack getting ready to go into the Hall.
Wild Things!